Want to win the lottery? It may not matter how many tickets you buy. The winning numbers may be rigged, determined outright before any drawing even takes place. But that’s not the important part. What is? Winning lottery numbers may provide clues about catastrophic events and deadly tragedies to come.

This idea is, well, merely a theory. A complicated one at that. Indeed, there are countless stories of winning lottery tickets being eerily similar to tragic events occurring shortly before, on the day of, or after relevant lottery numbers are drawn.

For example, when a flight — number 587 — going from NYC to the D.R. crashed in Queens shortly after take-off, the NJ Pick-3 drawing that day was…5–8–7. So many people chose those numbers, the prize if you won was only $16 — considerably less than the average payout amount, which is about $275, reports Snopes (a website known for fact-checking if weird Internet rumors have legs or not).

Is this all just hoopla? If not, what’s the purpose of winnings aligning with current events, and what could it all mean? A lot, according to Howard Rosen, author of Lottery Corruption, U.S.A., who has worked in a consulting capacity with the government and was a member of several law enforcement committees.

Harold has a bold theory that the general public can’t be naive to think these kinds of things are just insignificant coincidences. Patterns of questionable lottery results coinciding with mass shootings, for instance, have been pervasive for decades, he argues. And it is the consistency over many years of this questionable activity that warrants a formal investigation, he urges. Harold believes the U.S. lottery is actually a very sophisticated operation where conspirators know they can manipulate a person’s behavior.

Some pieces of evidence, he says, are right there in front of us. For instance, in 2017, the former information security director for the multi-state lottery association, Eddie Tipton, confessed to manipulating the very software he designed, allowing him and his brother to win the lottery over and over across several states. He and his brother won $2 million in total from their scam and will have to pay back this, plus $1 million more. Eddie was sentenced to 25 years.

Consider what Harold emphasizes as a bizarre 9/11 lottery connection worth paying closer attention to: “On the date, the day before, or immediate days after a mass shooting or other tragic events on a catastrophic scale, quite often, were suspicious winning combinations from that state’s lottery. And even more disturbing were references to September 11th, 2001, such as the numbers 9–1–1, as an emergency, would appear. Or three zeros, 0–0–0, would emerge as in ‘Ground Zero,’” Harold told the Enough-ism Podcast.

“Perhaps you remember the infamous winning lottery numbers 9–1–1 that occurred on September 11th, 2002 — exactly one year after the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers. When that lottery result occurred, it was very strange that there was no investigation,” Harold emphasized.

On that particular day — like any other day, that is — the exact probability 9–1–1 would appear on the date 9/11 is 1 in 1,000. (According to Snopes’ investigation, 5,631 people selected those numbers on that day, with each winner taking home $500.)

Similarly, on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the first three winners at the Belmont Park racetrack in NY also happened to be horses with numbers 9, 1, and 1. Snopes says although this coincidence perhaps isn’t to be considered astounding, it’s definitely to be considered noteworthy. This was all making my head spin a bit, and made me think: Is there a difference between “astounding” and “noteworthy”? If something is unlikely to occur, but does, should we take notice? Are lottery numbers some kind of societal premonition or are we just forcing connections to build interesting narratives?

Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

Bringing Theories on Lottery Corruption to Light

In an attempt to get some answers, I chatted with lottery expert, Harold, to better understand his belief that the lottery is being illegally manipulated and controlled. Come along with me to explore his fascinating 9/11 theories and evidence in an interview that may challenge your perceptions of what it means to be mindful regarding the world around you and how it operates.

The following conversation is from the Enough-ism Podcast: Is the Lottery Rigged? Exploring Theories on 9/11, Government Manipulation, and Subliminal Messaging.

You can hear the full podcast episode with Harold Rosen now on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and more.

What’s Luck Got to Do With It?

Enough-ism: Harold, you believe the American lottery system is being manipulated and that winning is not about luck. It’s more about illegal governmental control. And I wanted to chat with you about this because the Enough-ism podcast is about challenging your perceptions and being mindful of the world around you. So, on that note, let’s dive in.

Harold: Thank you for this opportunity to discuss my book on your podcast show and to bring this story to the American people.

I’ll give some background of how I got involved in pursuing this activity within many state lotteries while working in a consulting capacity with the government. Being a member of law enforcement committees, I came upon all this data associated with lotteries, tragic events, airline accidents, and school threats. I was in a unique situation where my conscience took precedence as to what direction my life should pursue.

I’ve done extensive research on substance abuse, youth violence, and state lotteries. It appeared that there were suspicious patterns from many state lotteries directly associated with mass shootings and other tragic events.

Photo by DEAR on Unsplash

Allow me to elaborate on that. Many of your audience might remember the infamous winning lottery numbers 9–1–1 that occurred September 11th, 2002, exactly one year after the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York City. When that lottery result occurred, it was very strange there was no investigation. It was then obvious to me that former U.S. President George W. Bush had influenced that outcome. I perceived that to be a gesture of some sort by the president to compensate the people of New York who suffered from the terrorist attack.

The president had to establish a relationship of mutual understanding with the lottery equipment companies to have that 9–1–1 result. And it is from that moment on, we learn of the ability of the president to have full access to the state lottery programs and to manipulate them upon his request.

The U.S. president had to establish a relationship of mutual understanding with lottery equipment companies. And it is from that moment on, we learn of the ability of the president to have full access to the state lottery programs and to manipulate them upon his request.

Even years before September 11th, 2001, there were also lottery results associated with catastrophic tragedies that had been occurring. And it’s the consistency over many years of this questionable activity that warrants an investigation.

As we know at the time of 2001, just after the terrorist attacks, the United States went to war with Afghanistan and Iraq, costing billions of dollars each year. And that was one of the reasons why the lotteries are being corrupted — to deter any terrorists from winning the lotteries.

As far as we know, state lotteries provide a significant source of revenue for the states. So, there is a possible reason why the president established this covert policy within the government, unbeknownst to Americans still, it is unjustified that the president is tapping into library programs and also putting people who play the lotteries at a disadvantage if they know that certain games are going to be manipulative.

So, lotteries have been defrauding people ever since 2001, at least since then. And I feel that unjust to the people. And also, a lot of people have been victims of terrorist attacks — I’ll call them terrorist attacks within the United States — such as mass shootings.

In 2017, the former information security director for the multi-state lottery association, which oversees the Power Ball games, confessed to manipulating the software he designed, allowing him to provide winning numbers to his brother and friends.

I’ll elaborate on that. In 2017, the former information security director for the multi-state lottery association, which oversees the Power Ball games, confessed to manipulating the software he designed, allowing him to provide winning numbers to his brother and friends. There is a degree of probability he might also have knowledge of other lottery games still being manipulated.

The Media May Be Exposing the Public to Dark Hidden Messages

I am encouraged to believe these conspirators are working on a national level. Influencing the media — TV, movies, music, video games, et cetera, with subliminal messages — words or pictures presented in such a way that we don’t consciously notice them.

A lot of mass shootings I include in my book were associated with suspicious patterns of lottery results. Those suspicious patterns of lottery results consistently were referencing September 11th, 2001. This means that a lot of numbers 9–1–1 would emerge in the results either the day of the tragedy day before or the day after the tragedy, such as a mass shooting.

Now, the purpose of subliminal messages is to influence the audience. Without them consciously knowing what they are hearing in their subconscious. Where in a 100th of a second, the word “Coca-Cola” would appear and you don’t hear it that audibly, but your conscious mind would hear it. Or we would see it if it flashes on the screen, very quickly. Now the purpose of that subliminal message of having “Coca-Cola” on the screen for a 30th of a second or so would try to influence the moviegoers at the movie theater to go to the snack bar and buy a Coca-Cola.

Photo by Danial Shoorangiz on Unsplash

Now these subliminal messages, I believe, are incorporated into a lot of music that is being produced over the years. It could be in commercial advertisements on the TV. It could be in movies or video games, which a lot of people have been complaining about — that there’s too much violence in the music and the video.

Our decisions and behavior can be influenced without our knowledge or control through subliminal messages. Conspirators appear to be targeting specific individuals who are more susceptible to committing acts of violence.

Now, our decisions and our behavior can be influenced without our knowledge or control through subliminal messages. These conspirators appear to be targeting specific individuals who are more susceptible to committing acts of violence. If they have a mental illness or they have a bad relationship with their employer or an assistant, or some instance like that, keep in mind that if they can achieve their goal, which is to have a specific person commit an act of violence, they will, in turn, have the lotteries of that state, where that incident might occur. So they can profit from lotteries and inflict serious harm on human life.

Enough-ism: You emphasize the importance of timing. So, one year after 9/11, or the numbers appearing the day before, the day of, or the day after an event. I’m curious about that in particular and what you think the connection is there.

Harold: That’s a good question. And a very important question, because this is a very sophisticated operation where these conspirators are planning all this, where they know they can manipulate a person’s behavior. By incorporating malicious subliminal messages, for that person to behave negatively and violently, and knowing that they are targeting this specific person, they will also incorporate something or hack into that lottery system.

This is a very sophisticated operation where conspirators know they can manipulate a person’s behavior.

If the Pentagon’s computers can be hacked into, these hackers can probably get into almost anything if they want to. So, we have to think realistically that these lotteries are being manipulated and for malicious intent, not only to profit from the lottery again but to inflict serious harm on lives.

And the purpose of my book is not only to provide this information to the public but to mobilize cities into networking together to question the validity of the state-run lottery programs.

There was a freedom of information act, which is a federal freedom of information law, which allows the public to question any federal documents that have been classified. Now, one of them is September 11th, 2001. Again, when that tragedy occurred a year later, as I mentioned early in our interview, the numbers 9–1–1 came up in the New York lottery. Now in the California lottery a year before 2001, that is September 11th, 2000, from the California lottery, triple zeros came in. The exact year before the terrorist attacks. And the day before that, September 10th, 2000 from the California lottery. Numbers 1–9–1. So we look at this and we say, this looks suspicious, but when we think of it, we’re saying also being that this was a year before the terrorist attacks, we say to ourselves now could these have been clues as to the impending danger of September 11th, 2008?

Photo by Aidan Bartos on Unsplash

Now talking about the current lottery games and the system in Queens, just recently on September 1st, there was a mass shooting where 10 people got injured from these perpetrators who got off motorcycles and just shot up the crowd. So, 10 people were injured in New York.

And on that day, August 1st in the New York lottery numbers, 9–1–1 were the winning results of that play-four game. So, we see my theory is we’re just can’t be naive to think that these are major coincidences.

Again, what I’m trying to emphasize to the general public is to be aware of the lottery results and these mass shootings and these catastrophic tragedies are recurrent and we have to sort of monitoring them and try to get the government to stop this. We could be saving lives — innocent lives — and we just must not be passive about this activity that has been happening for decades.

Enough-ism: I’m curious what the purpose of the manipulation is for the greater general public. Do you have insight into that?

Harold: On a national level, the incident at the Sandy Hook elementary school where many young elementary school students were gunned down, the day that tragedy happened in Connecticut, and that they had that tragedy in the lottery game. It was play-five game numbers: 9–9–11 appeared in that game, on that date. And the day before, it was December 14th, 2012 and there were numbers 1–4–2–1. So one and four is the 14th day and, and the two and one are the 12th year.

That happened in 2012, and another sort of factoid to this specific incident was George Washington, our nation’s first president, who died on December 14th, exactly 213 years before that.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Enough-ism: My head is spinning. What do we do with all of this information? What’s next?

Harold: I am on LinkedIn — Harold Rosen — and am looking to collaborate, not only with people in the general public, but parents, elected officials, and law enforcement, at any level.

Enough-ism: I commend you for sharing your thoughts and explaining the theories in your book and the evidence to support them. And for being bold and taking a stance on a topic that is difficult for many people to understand. Thank you so much for joining us.

Harold: Thank you so much, and you are now giving hope with this podcast to many people.

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About the author: Reverend Yugen Bond is a metaphysics writer, reiki master, and podcast host who once thought meditation was boring, had both too much and nothing to wear, and didn’t know how to slow down her thoughts. What a journey it’s been. Time to share it with the world, especially with you.

Can’t get enough of Enough-ism? Visit IAmEnoughism.com to hear the Enough-ism Podcast and follow @IAmEnoughism on social media.

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Enough-ism Podcast
Enough-ism Podcast

Written by Enough-ism Podcast

This minimalist wants more. Enough-ism is about having enough, already. https://enoughism.carrd.co/

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